EMPSi leads the way in environmental compliance for Reclamation’s water settlements, infrastructure, and restoration projects
EMPSi provides compliance, permitting, natural resources, and public engagement support to Reclamation on some of its most complex and high-profile water projects. Our staff has experience in each of the Reclamation regions and in all of the major river basins in the western US. We provide a full range of services for a variety of projects encompassing critical issues at the forefront of today’s environmental and policy landscape, including:
EMPSi continues to provide exceptional and quality services. They are easy to work with and are able to anticipate new directions as the project progresses
—Lahontan Basin Area Office Performance Assessment
Climate change resilience and operations planning
Operating Agreement for the Rio Grande, NM/TX
Analyzed continued implementation of the 2008 Operating Agreement addressing interstate deliveries of Rio Grande water in New Mexico and Texas
Evaluated effects of renewing San Juan-Chama Project storage contracts on special status species
Paradox Valley Unit EIS and Visual Survey, CO
Analyzed alternatives for brine removal and disposal on a tributary to the Colorado River
Addressed hazards from sodium processing and storage
Conducted visual resource inventory, simulations, and analysis
Kachess Safety of Dams Studies and EA, WA
Conducted pre-NEPA field studies for proposed safety improvements
Performed sensitive species surveys and archaeological field investigations
Completed wetlands delineation and completed a wetlands rapid functional assessment
Carlsbad Water Operations/Supply, NM
Assessed proposed operations to meet water delivery obligations while conserving habitat for the Pecos bluntnose shiner
Coordinated interdisciplinary teams and technical working groups to complete NEPA and develop a BA and cultural resources report for follow-on water exchanges and habitat improvement projects
Kachess Drought Relief Pumping Plant, WA
Oversaw preparation of an EIS with Reclamation and Washington State Department of Ecology
Analyzed options to withdraw water from Kachess Reservoir and transfer to the Yakima River to improve regional water resources management during droughts declared by Washington State
Conconully Safety of Dams Studies, WA
Conducted pre-NEPA field studies to support efforts to ensure structural safety during a seismic event
Performed instream flow analysis, sensitive species and cultural surveys, and wetlands delineation
Developed Habitat Suitability Index curves for various species and life stages for instream flow analysis
Indian water rights settlements
Pojoaque Basin Regional Water System, NM
Analyzed the construction of a $250-million infrastructure project to deliver water to 4 Pueblos and other residents of Santa Fe County
Won the Environmental Excellence NEPA Planning Award from the National Association of Environmental Professionals (NAEP)
Taos Pueblo Water Rights Settlement Environmental Compliance, NM
Analyzing the effects of implementing the Taos Pueblo Indian Water Rights Settlement Agreement, which resolves water rights in the Taos region
The Settlement Agreement calls for completing separate groundwater wells to meet water needs while preventing depletion of Rio Grande tributaries
New Mexico Unit of the Central Arizona Project EIS and Studies, NM
Evaluated a complex water diversion, storage, and delivery system for the Gila and San Francisco Rivers
Worked closely with the Interstate Stream Commission and Reclamation to develop alternatives
Conducted surface water, groundwater, water quality, and geomorphology and habitat modeling
River restoration and conservation of threatened and endangered species
Platte River Recovery Implementation Program EA and BA, CO/NE/WY
Prepared EA for basin-wide habitat restoration actions to conserve avian and aquatic species under the Endangered Species Act
Coordinated closely with the US Fish and Wildlife Service in preparing a comprehensive multi-species biological assessment
Leavenworth National Fish Hatchery Fish Screening and Fish Passage, WA
Prepared 12 resource reports for the EIS and a BA
Conducted virtual public meetings and outreach websites for scoping and the DEIS
Prepared Joint Aquatic Resource Permit Application for CWA Sections 401/404 and WA SEPA
Derby Dam Fish Screen Project EA and Permits, NV
Analyzed a $23.3 million infrastructure project to allow passage for Lahontan cutthroat trout around the Derby Dam to access historic spawning habitat in the upper Truckee River
Obtained US Army Corps of Engineers and NV Department of Environmental Protection permits
Pecos River Channel Restoration at Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge, NM
Assessed two projects in the Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge to improve habitat
Addressed specific proposals and updated programmatic work for the US Fish and Wildlife Service and the World Wildlife Fund
Truckee Canal Extraordinary Operation and Maintenance, NV
Performed environmental compliance for repairs of a major breach on the Truckee Canal
Conducted biological surveys and analyzed impacts on two ESA-listed fish species
Collaborated with diverse stakeholders, including Tribes, utilities, irrigators, and local governments
Utah Wetland Preserve Management Plan, UT
Developing comprehensive plan to guide habitat management and wildlife-dependent recreation
Prepared virtual public meeting website to gather public input
Facilitated a stakeholder engagement process to develop a range of management alternatives
Policy development and scientific studies
Colorado River Salinity Control Project Stakeholder Facilitation/Assessment, AZ
Prepared a Conflict Assessment on salinity and flow requirements for Colorado River water delivery to Mexico
Coordinated the participation of over 50 agencies and organizations at project meetings
Assessed viability for the Yuma Desalting Plant
Pasco Pump Traditional Plant Foods Inventory, WA
Collaborated with local Tribes to complete inventory of important native plant foods
Performed archaeological monitoring during construction
Conducted technical analysis report
Technical Peer Review BOARD for Injection Well and Evaporation Ponds, CO/UT
Facilitated expert panel meetings to review alternate methods of brine disposal in the Dolores River basin
Coordinated technical reports to evaluate feasibility of the proposed engineering options
Addressed requirements of the Colorado River Salinity Control Project
Grand Coulee and Hungry Horse Dams Historical Structures Reports, WA
Documenting historic features of two Reclamation dams and facilities, including archival research
Reports will help protect key features during future maintenance and improvement activities
Conducting tours/interviews with Reclamation staff
Lower Colorado River Basin Quagga Mussel Containment Strategy Workgroup, AZ/CA
Contributed to a report prioritizing inter-jurisdictional strategies for preventing quagga mussel spread
Facilitated a workshop with Reclamation and other agencies to identify challenges and solutions
Compared solutions based on key factors, such as cost, containment impact, and responsible entity
Yankee Fork Dredge National Register Nomination, WA
Developed NRHP nomination for the Yankee Fork Gold Dredge for review by Reclamation, the Salmon-Challis NF, and Washington SHPO
Collected archival data for the background and context in the historic setting
Reviewed/updated of archaeological site data