EMPSi helps Native Americans, Indian Tribes, and Alaska Natives achieve their management goals for the natural, cultural, and social environment, while promoting the well-being of Tribal members
EMPSi has a successful track record of over 15 years providing high-quality services to federally recognized Tribes, decision makers, and federal agencies across the country. Our staff have decades of specialized expertise assisting Tribes and federal agencies to address unique Tribal issues and needs in the decision-making process. Our experience encompasses community impact assessments, environmental justice analysis, traditional subsistence resource studies, traditional environmental knowledge, and consultation under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. We facilitate Tribal stakeholder engagement and consultation efforts while accounting for differences in language, culture, access, and communication styles. Our approach to working with Tribes focuses on principles of collaboration, respect, and adaptability.
Aamodt Tribal Rights Settlement AgreeMENT, nm
Supported a new system to deliver safe drinking water to four Pueblos
Worked collaboratively with Pueblos and BIA on various system designs
Performed cultural resource surveys and project re-designs with Pueblos to identify and avoid impacts
Allakatna Traditional District Report, northern ak
Developed a NRHP eligibility report for a traditional cultural property (TCP) district for the Allakaket and Alatna tribal communities
Worked with Tribes and agencies to develop management that avoids impacts to TCPs
NEPA/NHPA consultation on BIA/BLM O&G development, nm
Performed a collaborative NEPA, Section 106, and consultation effort with Tribes, Pueblos, and others to address cultural concerns
Facilitated over 20 meetings with 20 actively participating Tribes and stakeholders
taos water rights settlement programmatic ea, nm
Supported a settlement agreement securing water rights and protecting sacred areas for Taos Pueblo
Conducted cultural and biological clearance surveys
Streamlines future site-specific NEPA compliance for 14 individual projects
pawnee Nation StoneWolf Casino Expansion EA, ok
Analyzed impacts of a fee-to-trust acquisition and Section 20 gaming determination to increase revenues for the Pawnee Nation
Conducted biological survey, traffic study and noise study
tribal consultation FOR FEDERAL land management, ak
Implementing an extensive outreach effort with six Tribes to support consultation for a BLM RMP/EIS
Prepared an Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act Section 810 Preliminary Evaluation and helped conduct ANILCA hearings
Osage oil and gas eis, ok
Worked with Indian Energy Service Center to prepare for tribal mineral development in the next 20 years while protecting Osage livelihoods and preserving sensitive resources
Collaborated with the Osage Nation THPO and DNR to develop alternatives and analyze effects