Land use planning is at the heart of EMPSi's culture and philosophy
For decades the staff at EMPSi have been partnering with government agencies, the public, tribes, and industry on conducting impartial, scientifically sound, and legally defensible planning efforts. Despite competing interests and the varied missions of our partners, EMPSi's public outreach and planning efforts work toward developing a range of reasonable alternatives that are considered and analyzed at a measured and proportionate scale. Our experience, techniques, and quality deliverables give project proponents and decision makers the confidence they need to move undertakings forward.
Providing technical support, management services, and direction for a Forest Plan revision covering 1.4 million acres across two states
Proposed plan diversifies management to reflect growth in recreation on the Ashley NF
Fire and Invasives Assessment Tool Project, western us
Fast-tracked project completed in 6 months for 107 million acres across 5 Great Basin states
Provided technical and strategic support for the fire assessment process, including listing decision for greater sage-grouse
Central yukon rmp/EIS, AK
Planning area covers more than 57 million acres
Collaborated with state and federal agencies, native corporations, tribes, and municipal governments
Integrated local community knowledge and resource data
Joint EIS/BLM RMP and BIA Integrated RMP, OK/KS/TX
Complex 270-million-acre planning area composed of federal, tribal trust, state, county, and private lands in 437 counties across four states
BLM and BIA lands and mineral estate ownership issues and jurisdictions