Proper fire management turns a potentially catastrophic, destructive force into one of the most important restorative ecological processes in nature
EMPSi's expertise in fire and fuels management spans a broad range from multi-state regional programmatic efforts to site-specific projects. Our experience includes fuels reduction and restoration projects to reduce the likelihood for high intensity, catastrophic wildfires as well as fuel break projects to assist with fire suppression, firefighter safety, and protection of infrastructure and restoration investments. We have analyzed various fuels treatments, including chemical, manual, and mechanical, as well as targeted grazing and prescribed fire. Importantly, we recognize the importance of landscape scale planning to address climate vulnerabilities.
Fuels Reduction and Rangeland Restoration Programmatic EIS, Western US
Provides a landscape approach to wildfire on 38.5 million acres of public lands in 6 Great Basin states
Analyzed 6 types of vegetation treatments to protect, conserve, and restore sagebrush communities
Lake George Area Fuels Management EA, Co
Prepared 7 specialist reports to support preparation of the EA
Project would reduce tree density on the Pike NF and increase structural diversity, thereby encouraging more low- and mixed-severity fires rather than high-severity wildfires
Fuel Breaks Programmatic EIS, Western US
Analyzed creation of up to 11,000 miles of fuel breaks in 6 Great Basin states
Strategically placed fuel breaks would improve safety, fire suppression activities, and create buffers to maintain important habitats
North Powderhorn Fuels Project, CO
Vegetation management program on BLM Gunnison Field Office to improve forest health and promote fine-scale heterogeneity
Analyzed 20,000 acres of treatments in issues-based EA to focus NEPA analysis
Fast-tracked project completed in 6 months for 107 million acres across 5 Great Basin states
Provided technical and strategic support for the fire assessment process, including listing decision for greater sage-grouse
Caney Ranger District Fuels Management EA, LA
Analyzing fuels management on 32,000 acres of the Kisatchie NF
Analysis incorporates new data on effects of prescribed burns and fire ecology within fire-adapted southeastern forests