BIA NEPA Streamlining with Categorical Exclusions, Nationwide
BIA’s Wildhorse Reservoir near the Sho-Pai Duck Valley Indian Reservation in central Nevada
Proposed categorical exclusion will facilitate repair or minor improvements for unsafe dams on Indian reservations and support Tribal water management across the US
Worked with BIA, BLM, and OEPC to develop a categorical exclusion for minor mineral development activities
Led internal workshops to identify inefficiencies and craft policy language to address BIA needs
Jemez Canyon Dam on Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico
EMPSi helped develop two new categorical exclusions (CEs) to streamline NEPA compliance for routine dam safety projects and minor mineral development activities on Tribal lands. The BIA Safety of Dams program is responsible for the safety of dams on Indian reservations, which constitute an important part of Tribal water resource management. The new CE would allow the BIA to improve more dams in need of repair and reduce safety risks. EMPSi prepared a justification package laying out the rationale for the proposed CE based on a review of prior environmental analyses and projects along with expert opinion.
To facilitate development of the CE for minor mineral development activities, EMPSi collaborated closely with the BIA, BLM, and Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance to identify inefficiencies in the agencies’ current permitting processes and develop proposed CE language to facilitate permitting of minor activities while ensuring protection for sensitive environmental resources. EMPSi also prepared a justification package for this CE and compared it against the mineral CEs created for the BLM in Section 390 of the 2005 Energy Policy Act.
EMPSi managed the project perfectly. Always meeting or beating deadlines, while providing professional and courteous customer service. I would highly recommend EMPSi to any of my colleagues.
— Chet McGhee, Acting Deputy Regional Director (Trust Services), BIA Eastern Region