Joint EIS/BLM RMP and BIA Integrated RMP, OK/KS/TX/NE
CLIENT: bureau of Land Management and Bureau of INdian Affairs
Oil well in Oklahoma
EMPSi prepared a resource management plan (RMP) in collaboration with the BLM Oklahoma Field Office and an Integrated RMP in collaboration with the BIA Eastern Oklahoma and Southern Plains Regional offices. These RMPs were evaluated in a single joint EIS. This effort provided a comprehensive framework for the management of BLM-administered lands and federal mineral estate in Oklahoma, Kansas, and Texas, and created a unifying document for fulfilling the BIA’s Indian trust responsibilities on Tribal and allotted lands. It consolidated and updated existing RMPs and amendments, reevaluated resource availability, resolves resource conflicts, and identified management direction for allotted and Tribal mineral interests, including restricted Tribal lands and lands administered by the BIA.
Supporting studies over the planning area included air quality, land ownership research, cultural resources, social and economic analysis, raptor management, migratory bird, focused visual resources inventory, hydrologic assessment, Wild and Scenic River evaluation, and a biological assessment.
270-million-acre planning area composed of federal, Tribal trust, state, county, and private lands in 437 counties across four states, covering BLM- and BIA-administered surface lands and subsurface mineral estate
Facilitated public involvement, scoping, and alternatives development along with extensive coordination with federal, state, local agencies, and over 40 Tribes
Complex land and mineral estate ownership issues and jurisdictions
Prepared single EIS that addresses differing agency missions and directives
Pumpjack in Glenpool, OK