Caney Ranger District Fuels Management, LA


Lee Lumber Company’s store in 1935 at Tioga on the Kisatchie National Forest

Lee Lumber Company’s store in 1935 at Tioga on the Kisatchie National Forest

In collaboration with the Kisatchie National Forest, EMPSi is preparing an EA to address the application of mechanical treatments and prescribed fire on all National Forest System lands on the Caney Ranger District of the Kisatchie National Forest. Project support has included incorporating the use of a detailed project schedule that outlined all critical paths and the implementation of effective communication tools.

EMPSi is focusing the EA on issues surrounding fire ecology in southeastern forests and other emergent issues identified through internal scoping.

Streamlining the environmental review has meant EMPSi is structuring the EA to only include relevant issues for the affected environment and environmental consequences analyses. We are also preparing a Biological Evaluation in compliance with Forest Service Manual 2670 and applicable law, regulation, and policy.


  • Analyzing a proposed forest plan amendment per the 2012 Planning Rule

  • Evaluating various fuel management techniques on approximately 32,000 acres of National Forest System lands on the Caney Ranger District of the Kisatchie National Forest

  • Incorporating new information on the effects of prescribed burning on fire-adapted ecosystems within southeastern forests

Caney Ranger District, Kisatchie National Forest

Caney Ranger District, Kisatchie National Forest