Programmatic EA for Modernizing the US Coast Guard, Nationwide
CLIENT: US Coast Guard
US Coast Guard personnel aboard the latest generation Response Boat, Cape Disappointment, WA
Fast-tracked project with high-profile programmatic EA and nationwide public scoping and review completed in under 6 months
Worked directly with Coast Guard headquarters legal and environmental staff to evaluate Coast Guard mission impacts and on-the-ground impacts
US Coast Guard Defender-class vessel providing security in NY Harbor
EMPSi prepared complex and fast-tracked programmatic NEPA documentation to meet the Coast Guard’s aggressive schedule for its nationwide modernization program. This program was designed to modernize the command structure, support systems, and business practices to position the Coast Guard for sustainable and effective mission execution in the twenty-first century. The programmatic EA evaluated the social, economic, and environmental impacts on Coast Guard mission capabilities and site-specific Coast Guard facilities nationwide, including changes in personnel numbers and facility space.
As a follow on to the NEPA effort, EMPSi prepared a strategic transformation implementation manual for use by Coast Guard staff that provided background information on the completed environmental processes, requirements for NEPA adequacy related to proposed actions, and discussed next steps for achieving environmental compliance for a wide range of future, site-specific modernization efforts.
I was in a meeting today with [Rear Admiral] Breckenridge and she was effusive about the responsiveness and quality of support provided for this NEPA effort. Kudos to your staff.
— Microsystems, Inc.