FMG RMPA/EIS Environmental Compliance and NHPA Section 106 Consultation, NM
CLIENT: Bureau of Indian Affairs and Bureau Of Land management
Section 106 Field Trip near Pierre’s Ruin, NM
In collaboration with the BIA Navajo Regional Office (NRO) and BLM Farmington Field Office (FFO), EMPSi is preparing an EIS and RMP Amendment to update oil and gas leasing management on federal, Tribal trust, and allotted lands in a checkerboard ownership area of northeast New Mexico, including the eastern Navajo Reservation and the area surrounding Chaco Culture National Historical Park. Key issues are horizontal directional drilling and fracking, and the need to address the effects of development on local Tribal residents as well as cultural resources and ceremonial uses.
EMPSi is supporting numerous aspects of this complex EIS, including incorporating an updated reasonably foreseeable development scenario and air quality modeling, analysis of greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel combustion, development of two ranges of alternatives for the BIA and BLM, preparation of socioeconomic and biological studies, negotiation of a programmatic agreement with Tribes and other consulting parties under Section 106, preparation of a biological evaluation for Navajo Nation endangered species in coordination with their Department of Fish and Wildlife, and providing embedded resource support at the NRO and FFO.
EMPSi has been heavily involved in facilitation of virtual and in-person stakeholder outreach for the BIA NRO. We have implemented innovative methods based on feedback from Tribes, including a Navajo language radio call-in program and Navajo translations of meeting materials and public announcements.
Implementing an extensive and adaptive collaboration process to engage Tribes, NPS, state agencies, and other stakeholders
Conducted in-person, webinar, and radio call-in meetings for stakeholders in Navajo and English to accommodate Navajo speakers
Management actions address environmental justice issues from oil and gas development surrounding Navajo residences and communities
Conducted more than 20 meetings with 20 actively participating Tribes and stakeholders
Evaluating air quality and greenhouse gas and climate impacts in the sensitive Four Corners region
Angel Peak
It's been an honor to work with such an exceptional team [at EMPSi].
— Harrilene Yazzie, BIA NRO Project Manager