Programmatic Environmental Impact Statements for Fuel Breaks, Fuels Reduction, and Rangeland Restoration in the Great Basin, CA/ID/NV/OR/UT/WA

CLIENT: BUreau of Land ManagEment

BLM firefighting unit

BLM firefighting unit


  • Developed strategy to address growing wildfire concerns across 38 million acres in 6 western states

  • Streamlines approval of site-specific projects

  • Analyzed vegetation types and treatments to reduce fuels and increase resistance and resilience to wildfire

  • Developed with input from over 7,000 stakeholders and 18 cooperating agencies

Thinning lower branches with a chainsaw

Thinning lower branches with a chainsaw

EMPSi supported the BLM in preparing two programmatic EISs (PEISs) that cover portions of six states within the Great Basin Region, one for fuel breaks and the other for fuels reduction and rangeland restoration. The PEISs are intended to enhance the long-term function, viability, resistance and resilience of sagebrush communities in the Great Basin and to improve firefighter safety by slowing the spread of wildfires.

The PEIS alternatives address which BLM-administered lands in the Great Basin region would be available and which fuels treatments could be used (e.g., manual, mechanical, and chemical treatments, targeted grazing, and prescribed fire). BLM offices can now use the PEISs and Determinations of NEPA Adequacy, if appropriate, to streamline fuels treatments.

We developed a socioeconomic report which documented existing conditions. Further, EMPSi prepared a cultural resources report to assist with site-specific requirements for NHPA and Section 106, as well as two Biological Assessments for ESA Section 7 consultation.