Colorado River Salinity Control Project EIS and Supporting Studies, CO
CLIENT: Bureau of Reclamation, Western Colorado Area Office
Saline conditions at the Colorado River delta
EMPSi supported various phases of this technologically complex and controversial project to support salinity control on the Colorado River. The Paradox Valley Unit is the largest project in the Colorado River Salinity Control Program, removing 95,000 tons of salt in naturally occurring brine each year and injecting it deep underground.
The existing facility is nearing the end of its useful life, so Reclamation prepared an EIS analyzing options for replacing it. During the alternatives development phase, EMPSi organized and facilitated expert review panels to examine the technical feasibility of two options for future brine disposal facilities. We worked closely with Reclamation to prepare the EIS examining effects of the alternatives on key resources such as water quality, geology, public safety, wildlife, and recreation.
EMPSi completed a visual survey and visual simulations of proposed facilities. This analysis required assessment of compliance with the visual resource management in the BLM Resource Management Plan. We organized and facilitated public meetings on the draft EIS and analyzed public comments to revise the final EIS.
Assisted with EIS analyzing the largest project in the Colorado River Salinity Control Program
Collaborated closely with Reclamation specialists through shared document editing using DOI Office 365 software
Facilitated expert technical review panels to examine feasibility of alternative salinity control facilities
Conducted visual surveys and prepared visual simulations of proposed facilities
Paradox Valley Unit facility