Wild and Scenic River Program Support, UT/ID/NV/WY
CLIENT: US Forest Service
Main branch of the Salmon River, ID
- Evaluating WSR eligibility in 11 National Forests and Grasslands
- Developed an innovative and efficient regional eligibility determination process
- Will preserve the outstanding remarkable values of eligible river segments
Middle Fork of the Salmon River, ID
The US Forest Service contracted EMPSi to develop a detailed regional process for conducting Wild and Scenic Rivers (WSR) eligibility studies throughout 11 National Forests and National Grasslands in the Forest Service Intermountain Region. Key components of the methodology include a comprehensive inventory of rivers using detailed GIS data and identifying evaluation criteria for assessing river-related attributes. This approach provides for robust public input and a consistent, logical approach to WSR eligibility across the region.
Following the development of the regional determination process in early 2017, EMPSi has been working closely with Forest Service leadership and specialists to complete WSR eligibility studies for each Forest and Grassland in the region. This includes determining eligibility and assigning preliminary classifications to eligible rivers, conducting public engagement and outreach, and providing mapping and GIS support. Under this process, each evaluation is considering the unique aspects of the Forest or Grassland while maintaining regional consistency.
I think this is a clever and good approach to constrain the analysis to river-dependent wildlife appropriate for the individual forests. Thank you, [EMPSi].
— US Forest Service, Intermountain Region Wilderness/Wild and Scenic Rivers Program